Wednesday, July 19, 2006
The most beautiful girl in the garden

She was already a famous singer when I was a child. She is considered one of the first women rock singers and she sure was unique for her time. With a beautiful voice and great fingers (for the guitar) she is definately one I would recommend seeing.
The old theatre/cinema by our appartment building is no longer there. They brought it down and built a monstrous building (with very noisey neighbors , I must add). A whole generation of kids are growing up on the ruins of this cinema, not knowing there was culture and art right under their noses. I remember Yehudit Ravitz performing there.
I could hear her from my bedroom. I must have been about eight years old. The theatre/cimena was quite large (and considered sophisticated for that time). Many perfomers, artists and comedians appeared there with much sought out perfomances. Those old wooden seats, no aircoditioning (but there were ventilators), the stands of flickering lights, the scent of the theatre , such memories.
She was in the dressing room. We could look through the window and see her sitting causally with her band getting ready for the performance.
All the songs in her repertoir were known. I knew all the word and I was lying in bed singing along with her.
A few weeks ago I got to see her again (this time in Givatime). I had second row tickets. Really close to the stage and the band. WOW. It was a much smaller theater with comfortable seats, airconditioning and excited audience who energized the band to sing just a few more songs for us.
I really enjoyed her performance. As usual, I know most of the songs and the lyrics too. It was fun to sing along , live , this time. The girl who sat next too me knew the words too and we laughed when our eyes met while we were singing the songs.
Yehudit Ravitz also sang a few songs just her and the guitar, without the band. Those were really touching songs. She is working on a new album and she sang a new song from that album. It was kindof a bossa nova style song and it was just beautiful. I cannot wait for her album to come out already.
My old time favorite (from the quite songs) is "The most beautiful girl in the garden". I really should record it and upload it to this post.
tags: michali blog/memories & short stories/the most beautiful girl in the garden>, michali blog/memories & short stories/yehudit ravitz>