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Thursday, February 02, 2006


connect the dots - yesterday once more...

Save to RawSugar

We were there too. There were many people demostrating their company's products trying to hook people, influencing them to join their service or buy a license. Me too. But I believe in our product. It is nice, fast, reliable, and users like it too.

But I did meet some strange people. Some of them ask a question after question, with no pause. They weren't really interested in knowing what it does, but mostly saying some buzz words and showing that they are aware of what is going on.

It was really difficult to aim to the right crowd when I didn;t really know what type of crowd it was . There were many many different people, of different ages and backgrounds, and I had to get some info out of them about their basic knowledge and profession and interests before I was able to show everything.

And you really cannot show everything. There are so many features that in order to hook someone you need to show a feature that will blow their brains out.
You cannot use the same approach with everyone that was there.

Some of the people I encountered were really great. They asked smart questions they wanted to know if we have certain features and how the technology work. How we are better than our competitors etc. It was a lot of fun!

I was glad Frank was with me too!

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