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Wednesday, February 15, 2006


Virus Vs. Virus

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My doctor told me I have a virus, there is nothing to do. Even if I take all the pills she gave me, It will still take a week to go away.

Have you ever though how strange it is that this thing called a virus, you can't see it, you cannot smell it, you cannot touch it or hear it (until you get it), takes over you body in just a few days, when it manages to get through your nose to your lungs or somewhere else it prefers to live in and reproduce, so that you can be down and out for a few days, sometimes even weeks.

And then just when you thought it is all over, nearly taking you last breath away, literally, it just gets worse, showing you who really is boss. Then it is gone, as if it was never there.

As opposed to the computer virus. The minute it arrive, it manages to ruin your hard-drive, and all those favorite picture, programs and other meaninful stuff that we save on our computer. The miute you use some anti-virus software (that is if you caught the virus in time and you have an anti-virus) you can probably save your computer quite quickly.. If not, I hope you backed up your stuff.. and format...

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