Friday, June 09, 2006
The Sting
I had so much fun. His song repertoire included songs from the Police and solo Sting songs from all his years of music making. The band was a small rock type band, which consisted of two electic guitars, Sting on the bass guitar and the drummer (who by the way was awesome and energetic throughout the whole concert). He did not take any breaks and sang for an hour and half, just like listening to a CD recording, but live. It was just great. He sounded great.
We sure were hungry after the concert. We decided to stop at the Pancake House. It must have been midnight and the chariot was soon to turn back into a pumpkin.
I have this rule. I never leave my handbag or purse out of my sight. It is always on me or very close to me. I heard too many stories of people who have had their wallet stolen, even in the office (right out of thier own room), and I wasn't going to let that happen to me.
It was a choice between the booth or the table and chairs. My preference was the booth, but I was overruled. I hung the handbag on the side of my chair leaning backwards with one hand always on the bag.
I guess I was so mesmorized by the concert and sooooo hungry, I let myself dive into the food without paying attention.
As we got to the car, I opened the purse and terror struck me. It was gone. My wallet was gone. My camera was gone. Gone, gone, gone. And to top it all off, my eye glasses were broken in two. I immediately ran back to the restaurant to see if the culprits were still their. They were long gone.
I was quiet. I was angry. How could this have happened to me. To me. To me. To me. TO ME!!!! I am always so cautious, so suspicious, so benevolently alert.
Most people don't understand me. When things go wrong I usually close up. They think I am depressed but I am not. I really need to stay away from everyone. I don't need to talk about it, but I do need to do two things - sort out my feelings and my thoughts. What I realy need is some piece and quiet, to be left alone. No need for consolation, just let me be.
In terms of my feelings, I was mad as hell. I am sure if I had caught them, I would have taught them a lesson or two. With my bare hands.
In terms of my thoughts there were two things I needed to do:
- Go over the whole restaurant scene and see where I went wrong
- Find a solution so that such an unfortunate incident will never, ever, ever, ever happen to me again.
It was obvious that the only time I took my hand off my purse was when I was eating. Although I sucked in the pancakes like a vacuume cleaner, they had enough time to reach into the handbag and take their loot.
My conclusions
- We should have sat in the booths
- When ever going out don't hang your handbag or purse on the chair!
- Take a small purse - it is less conspicuous
If you must take a large purse or handbag, make sure
- It is not made of cloth (cloth can be easily cut with a small knife).
- It should have many segragated pockets that can be firmly closed (by a zipper or some other method) .
- Spread your precious items in the different pockets
Of course someone can run off with the whole handbag and we are back to square one. So
- Before leaving your home take out of the wallet anything you don't need - cash, credit cards, coupons, pictures, memories. Bring just what you need for that activity.
- Keep the purse or bag in front of your eyes, on your legs, between your feet, anywhere away from the long arm of the thief.
Material things come ago. We can learn lessons from other people's mistakes. We can learn lessons from our own bad experiences. We cannot move the clock back and relive the day.
I was stung, and the scars will stay with me for a long time.
I hope that in time I will be able to reminisce about the Sting and forget about the sting.
Tags: memories & short stories / the sting
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
How to kill mosquitoes

I really dislike mosquitoes. I haven't really found any use for them either, in the food chain, maybe for spiders, but truely, spiders can eat other insects.
There are many other problems with mosquitoes. For one it is very difficult to get rid of them. Every female mosquito can lay over 100 eggs. All they need is some still water. Worst of all, they can pass diseases on!
Outside they are a nuisance, but at home, inside your private dwelling they are much more. You are trying to sleep and suddenly, bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz the next thing you know, you have been bitten, on your eyelid.
"But I put some mosquito repellent" you say to yourself, half asleep. "OK not on my eylids, but, well , everywhere else on my body, even on my clothes.
And how the devil did they get to that spot. It is covered with a shirt? ".
The Buzzzzz is still lingering in your head when you are thinking "What should I do next?"
The next step is to kill the mosquito. Obviously, if you don't, you are not going to get to sleep tonight.
So how do we kill the mosquito?
As you turn on the light, the mosquito has done a disappearing act. But don't let that fool you. Once you are still she will be back haunting you. One bite is just not enough!
- Vacuum cleaner - Spray a bit of insect spray killer into the bag, turn on the vacuum cleaner and let it suck them in.
- Very noisey at night
- Until you hook up the vacuum with the long hose to reach the ceiling, the mosquito will find a new place - Shoe - yes that is very close to your bedside. Just pick up the shoe and, splat, the mosquitoe is gone.
- your significant other will not apprieciate the shoe print on the wall
- after sucking so much of your blood it will definately leave a mark
- if the shoe has a non flat surface, the mosquito will be able to escape - Newspaper - absolutely. It consists of a flat surface, there is only the blood on the wall to worry about. (And that you can clean in the morning... )
- naa.... it will stay there until you repaint the wall or the ceiling (and there's a trophey for your success, hanging there for your view, no shelves needed) - Clap your hands - just scare the creep and clap your hands, where the mosquito is in between both palms.
- In most cases, the mosquito is quicker (unless you are Mr. Miyagi from Karate Kid, and then you can just use chopsticks :-) )
- If you did manage to catch it, all the blood is splattered in you plams.... yackkkkkk
- If you do it with wet hands you may have a better chance of catching it.
Well, I have an idea.
The Solution (my invention):
- Get 1 piece of paper towel
- Fold it in half
- Soak it in some water so it is damp (it shouldn't be dripping) you are ready to go
- Place the damp folded paper towel on the palm of you hand and...
- shlack, fast, decisively yet lightly place the paper towel on the mosquito.
- The mosquito got caught in you own little homemade net.
==> Now it is stuck to your paper towel and not to you, it didn't splat all the blood on the wall, your hands are clean.
tags: michali blog/howto/how to kill mosquitoes
Strawberry Fields Forever

Once upon a time, people had a small piece of land, they had to cultivate, plant, water it and pick the grown fruits, then find someone to sell the goods to. It was hard work that insisted on hard physical abilities and working for hours at the fields, no matter what the weather was like.
It is fun to see that today you can pay someone to pick fruits on their own land and then pay for what you have picked.
This new trend of berry picking sure is fun and fruitful to us all.
It is always more delicious to eat berries (and other fruits for that matter) that have been picked straight from the trees. Even if you keep it in the refrigerator for a couple of days it will probably still taste better than buying things at the supermarket.
Every season you can pick different fruits from strawberries, blueberries, apples and even grapes.
I recommend this to everyone. But get there early before the sun is very strong, and before others have had the chance to get the best, sweetest fruits.
Tags: memories & short stories/strawberry fields forever